"A bola que lancei quando brincava no parque
ainda não tocou o chão".

Dylan Thomas, em "Se Brilhassem os Faróis"

Short Cuts [Twitter Updates]

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    [foto por Rogerio Velloso]

    ponto de vista... em  Caracas, no trânsito.


    [via http://www.creativesocialblog.com/]

    i'm here

    all my days

    "My birthday began with the water -
    Birds and the birds of the winged trees flying my name
      Above the farms and the white horses
             And I rose
         In rainy autumn
    And walked abroad in a shower of all my days"

    'Poem in October' from Dylan Thomas'


    "four letter words" de rob seward

    notas de viagem

    "Sincerely, Spain" de Matthew Brown



    Enquanto escrevo, bate 1:45 da manhã em Caracas. Subindo fragmentos de imagens colhidas  num dia de muito trabalho... E calor.

    [foto Rogerio Velloso]



    SILENT. Parte de uma longa história. As imagens e os primeiros rascunhos de montagem foram feitos em 2006.

    poética fractal / videomeetsradio



    each other

    I've Got You and You've Got Me - New Buffalo, Remixed by Broken Social Scene from Karen Abad ♥s Dinosaurs. on Vimeo.


    Nokta . from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.


    The Corner (Trailer Series) from Tracy ANTONOPOULOS on Vimeo.
    A trailer for the film "The Corner."

    Written and Directed by Tracy Antonopoulos.
    Director of Photography Su Yee Jung.

    Starring Sara Goldstein and John Eatherly.

    Special Thanks to Keegan Gibbs, John Eatherly, Sara Goldstein, Su Yee Jung, Daniel Kahn, Mo Ogrodnik, and Oswald.

    ... peixinho é...

    non plus one final from Tracy ANTONOPOULOS on Vimeo.